Writing paper with borders
Monday, August 24, 2020
Personal narrative about an experience that impacted you involving Essay
Individual account about an encounter that affected you including your training - Essay Example Scholastics was something that my folks put a lot of weight upon; they had contributed a lot of cash with the end goal of my instruction and in this way needed me to exceed expectations more than I needed to. I was never acceptable in considers, yet I generally invested energy attempting to satisfy my folks by attempting my best to get passing marks. The secondary school I went to had various clubs and affiliations connected with its lofty name and as understudies we were constantly urged to be a piece of them. There was one social assistance unit that didn't have such a large number of understudies as a piece of it and subsequently the understudy body consistently asked understudies to go along with it so as to help the exceptional youngsters inside the city. In any case, the club was always unable to pull in a ton of consideration towards itself on the grounds that not every person needed to turn into a piece of a social unit intended for the government assistance of in an unexpect ed way abled youngsters. My folks have consistently attempted to support altruistic associations and youthful vagrants to carry on with a superior life in the manner they can; my mom has raised me encouraging me seemingly insignificant details like giving m old garments and continually taking nourishment for vagrants on bubbly events. These propensities have been taught inside me so profound that by one way or another sometime in the not so distant future, I was encouraged from inside to join the social assistance unit so as to cooperate with diversely abled youngsters and see how they led lives. With time, we were taken on field trips where we visited youngsters from different schools; some of them were visually impaired, some hard of hearing, and some were genuinely disabled. Be that as it may, I met a little fellow by the name of Austin, who was mentally unbalanced. Before long, we had a multi day more established kin program where we were each doled out a little youngster or you ng lady to cultivate and sustain under our consideration. We were to carry on as their elder siblings or sisters and show them a wide range of qualities and ethics and go through three days with them. I was doled out as Austin’s sibling. From the outset, I didn't see how to manage the little fellow since he generally thought on an alternate frequency †I was as yet not ready to see how to communicate with Austin and before the finish of the main day I felt baffled and disillusioned on having had him designated with me. In any case, as the subsequent day came and I tediously woke up to go meet Austin, I was astonished when he gave me a jigsaw that he had painted, cut up and made for me. He let me know with his slurry discourse that he had structured it on the story ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by the Grimm Brothers. I was very contacted. That day, I met Austin’s educators too and they gave me his aptitudes and inventiveness. I was astounded to see that the kid h ad an astonishing feeling of craftsmanship †his works of art were something other than what's expected! His instructors additionally disclosed to me that regardless of his difficulties, Austin went through hours at an end perusing and being perused to, attempting to comprehend his writings and ensuring that he did well in his examinations, since his folks trusted in him and revealed to him that God would remove his ailment on the off chance that he concentrated hard and made a big deal about himself. His folks had raised him by revealing to him consistently that his impediment was just a matter of point of view and that he was the one in particular who could transform it by making himself more brilliant step by step. Those considerations hit me like an effect as I pondered internally that I was so fortunate to be genuinely fit dissimilar to Austin. Be that as it may, regardless of his difficulties, he was doing admirably in his investigations and gaining fantastic ground. Till today, I am thankful to Austin for
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Management and the Cultural Industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The board and the Cultural Industries - Essay Example In this manner, culture is a bunch of various parts of society including formalized and informal frameworks. (Davey) As culture is advancing continually by the improvements around the general public, enterprises, for example, the media which incorporate print, radio, TV, music, amusement among others speak to the way of life of a general public and furthermore impact it to a limited degree. These ventures, that are known as social businesses produce social writings, which are indications of the overarching, culture for instance ‘An American Brat’ by Bapsi Sidhwa is a book that speaks to the way of life of Zoroastrians and how it is influenced by moving to a Western nation and coordinating into an alternate social condition. Social ventures make social writings which can be anything from books to music to papers and design. In America, during the hour of blossom power, the music and the style spoke to and advanced the way of life of that period communicating congruity and bohemianism. In any case, social ventures are impacted by different components close to the predominant culture itself, for example, the political situation and monetary conditions, they are driven by benefit and regularly the writings are subject to income and corporate greed rather evident inventive portrayals of culture. Along these lines, this report centers around the degree to which social writings are influenced by political and financial variables. Culture and the political economy The political economy way to deal with culture centers around how the creation and conveyance frameworks administering the social businesses influence culture and social writings. The methodology centers around the connection of political frameworks, financial matters, state organizations, social establishments and regular day to day existence. The political and monetary factors in a general public decide, as it were, which appearances of culture are advanced and which are disregarded because of the reliance of social enterprises on income and benefit and the force employed by the state. (Kellner, 1999) This methodology incorporates the contention between the socialist and industrialist approach. An industrialist economy would be centered around accomplishing the most with respect to income and hence center around the notoriety and gainfulness of the content though the socialist economy would be progressively delicate to political power and be limited by it. Be that as it may, even in a vote based industrialist setting the state would be associated with media matter viewing items, for example, cigarettes publicizing, in this manner impacting the substance of social writings. (Kellner, 1999) THE US AND EUROPEAN APPROACH The two principle political economy ways to deal with social writings are the US and the European. The US model is the Schiller-McChesney custom which centers around the utilization of intensity and data media. The European methodology centers around social b usinesses and the ‘commodifying of culture’. It tends to the data and amusement side and spotlights on the creation, creation and conveyance of social messages also the crowd reactions. It embeds the makers of content; creators, artists, entertainers and others with regards to the market. (Social Approaches to Economy and the Media, 2010) CULTURAL TEXTS AND GOVERNMENT CONTROL The political economy approach recognizes how social writings are influenced by government control. In any case, in a free market economy social writings produced through social industri
Friday, July 24, 2020
Alia Whitney-Johnson Making a Difference in Sri Lanka
Alia Whitney-Johnson Making a Difference in Sri Lanka The MIT Public Service Center provides fellowships for students to travel around the world to allow them apply their talent and knowledge towards the advancement of underserved communities. Alia Whitney-Johnson, a Junior studying Civil and Environmental Engineering, spent three weeks teaching the art of jewelry making to eighteen Sri Lankan young mothers in a shelter for raped and sexually abused girls. Her original plan was to assist the shelter, called Ma-Sevana, by a writing fundraising letter. But the moment she arrived, she felt overwhelming uncomfortable as a foreigner who did not even speak the language. “I wanted to remedy this feeling of distance and to give something more than my fundraising letter could, a personal relationship that might perhaps provide a sense of support rather than alienation, that might actually bring something beautiful, though not necessarily tangible, to their lives.†Alia decided to share her passion for beadwork by hosting jewelry workshops for the girls. The transformation was rapid and inspirational; the young women developed individually by sharing their experiences while the group became more cohesive. Since the girls spoke very little English, Alia initially communicated with them using a translator. However, she barely remembers a language barrier and recalls discovering the power of non-verbal communication. “Somehow we were able to sit around and make jokes and make fun of each other. How we did this without words is beyond me, but I will always treasure those moments when the girls would clearly be talking about me in Sinhalese, and I would start imitating them and we would all laugh.†But when she returned home from her trip, she wanted to empower the girls by enabling them to use their beading skills to support themselves and their shelter. Her solution was to develop a program called “Emerge,†to “encourage the qualities I witnessed manifesting during the few workshops I had hosted at Ma-Sevana: self-respect, creativity, confidence, a willingness to try something new, independence, collaboration, imagination, organization, hope, and autonomy. Emerge would continue to support them in beadwork, an activity that proved to support the surfacing of these qualities while transcending prior educational background, enabling a lasting skill for the future, and providing a method of income generation.†Alia also established a sponsorship program, where contributors financially support a Ma-Sevana artist by donating $50 in cash or beads per quarter for at least a year. In exchange, they receive quarterly portfolios of pictures of five of the artists’ favorite pieces. She has found six sponsors so far, but still needs twelve more. The jewelry will be sold in both Sri Lanka and the United States and all proceeds will be re-invested into the program, the shelter, and the girls’ bank accounts. If you are interested, visit their website at web.mit.edu/emerge. Alia’s commitment to Ma-Sevana and the Emerge program is extremely inspiring and I hope that it will encourage you all to apply your excellent educations and skills to making global changes.
Friday, May 22, 2020
What It Means To Be A Hispanic Jew Essay - 778 Words
What it Means to be a Hispanic Jew in America Everyone knows that America is the land of freedom, the melting pot, where many come in search of the American Dream. Some have fled from persecution, others to support their families; they all have their own reasons. There will always be pros and cons wherever one may live, depending on where, how diverse, and the environment. Living in America as a Hispanic Jew can be challenging due to the anti-Semitism they face, being multicultural, and foreign-born. In our society, there are a handful of people who believe that anti-Semitism is a matter of the past, and do not realize that it still exists today. Countless of Jews face it more than once in their lifetime, whether it may be an†¦show more content†¦If one consumed a dairy product first, the person must wait one hour to be able to consume meat products, and if one ate a meat product, they must wait six hours to be able to consume a dairy product. That being cleared up, in the Hispanic culture there a lot of traditional foods that a Jewish person would not be able to consume because it is not considered kosher according to the Halakha. Foods such as Paella, a very vibrant dish made with rice and shellfish, chorizo, a very well known pork sausage, and many foods that contain lard, such as tamales and beans. Over the years, many Hispanic Jews have found ways to substitute or change a lot of these recipes, making it their own unique Kosher-Hispanic cuisine. Being multicultural can also be an advantage because it builds bridges between cultures and expands ones knowledge, whether it may be being multilingual, knowing the history and traditions of both cultures, or even something as simple as knowing how to cook a variety of delicious foods from different countries. Furthermore, being foreign-born can have a few advantages as well as disadvantages. Coming to America, one of the first things a foreign-born encounter is the language difference. Generally, when p eople come from a Spanish-speaking country, they have a very tough time communicating with English speakers, if Spanish is the only language they know. Often times feeling as if they have no voice; due toShow MoreRelatedBeing an other Essay877 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿In her essay â€Å"Being an Other†Melissa Algranati talks about how she didn’t know what race category she belonged to because of her ethnic background. Algranati’s father was born in Alexandria, Egypt and her mother was born in Maniti, Puerto Rico. She is a product of marriage, and her race is a Puerto Rican Egyptian Jew. She explains how her upbringing was different because of her parents’ different racial barriers. 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While the two prominent African Americans may be speaking in a different context, they both point out that integrationRead More Using Asian-Americans to Justify Racism and Prejudice Essay1777 Words  | 8 PagesAsian           80.4%       39.9% White           79.1        22.0 Black           66.2        11.3 Hispanic        50.8         9.2  Median family income, by ethnic group (1993) (3)  Asian      $44,456 White       39,300 Hispanic    23,654 Black       21,542 (For brevitys sake, Asian in this essay includes Pacific Islanders, and Hispanic includes Spanish, Cuban, Puerto-Rican and Mexican Americans.) The model minority myth Although it is true
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Essay The Effects of Yoga in Fitness - 718 Words
Yoga is a simple process of reversing the ordinary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that the mind becomes a dynamic center of direct perception no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but capable of actually experiencing Truth (Self-Realization Fellowship). Yoga also helps a person’s physical well being. So what are the effects of yoga in fitness? Well, there are several ways that yoga affects people’s physical fitness components; there are also several benefits, and also many ways to keep a person healthy and thriving. Yoga has many effects on physical fitness components. The first way that it affects people’s physical fitness components is by fitness for effective living. Fitness for effective living has many key†¦show more content†¦The next thing is that when the muscles around the spine are reinforced (which is the core of everything), everything else falls into place. When a person’s core is affective then a person’s p osture is better; and that leads to less back, shoulder, and neck pain. Then a person’s digestive system gets back on track and that person feels a lot better about themselves (Dodson). Moreover, there many people who participate in yoga. The demographics of yoga include, the total number of Americans who participate in yoga is 15 million; the percent of females is 72.2%; the percentage of males is 27.8%; the percentage of people who earn 75,000 dollars annually 44%; the percentage of people who earn more than 100,000 dollars annually is 24%; the percentage of people of the ages of 18-34 is 40.6%; the percentage of people of the ages of 35-54 is 41%; the percentage of people over 55 is 18.4%; the percentage that are college graduates is 71.4%. Coupled with those statistics, yoga also has statistics by location. Those statistics are people who participate in yoga in the West Coast are 20%; people who participate in yoga from the North East is 30%; the people who participate in yoga from the Mid West is 30%; the percentage of people from other parts of the United States is 20%. Last but not least is statistical information about the growth of the yoga industry. This includes, the amount of money spent annuallyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Yoga On The Mind Body Spirit About A Person s Overall Health Status1524 Words  | 7 Pagesliterature on the benefits of yoga show the importance that exists between the mind, body, and spirit. This review conducted shows the significance of link between the mind-body-spirit about a person’s overall health. Diversity in yoga including type, intensity, and duration are what play significant roles in the levels of perceived health benefits in comparison to traditional exercise. 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Although a degree is not required to complete this goal, I feel that a Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness from Kaplan will give me a better understanding of the human body and broaden my career path. I will gain knowledge from Kaplan to exceed in the fitness world. Fitness trainers help individual’s reach fitness and nutrition goals by motivating and inspiring individuals or groups. Fitness trainersRead MoreHealth Campaign Essay958 Words  | 4 Pagesbehavior that was chosen to promote during our campaign was yoga. We encouraged students, staff, and faculty members at Knox College to partake in yoga classes offered by the school in order to reduce stress and target a particular health/illness outcome. The main physical health/illness outcome targeted in this campaign was reduced blood pressure. Yoga is also seen to improve cardiovascular health. We chose to focus on the benefits of yoga to improve blood pressure and cardiovascular health insteadRead MoreBikram Yoga and Body Fitness722 Words  | 3 PagesBody fitness is a state asserted to be highly essential in ensuring healthy living. It often realized through regular physical exercises. Yoga is a technique that may be deemed an old means of working out however recently most peo ple adopt its use in as a way of ensuring they stay fit and in shape. For instance, most sports personalities have added yoga to their working out strategies. Similarly actors use the work out approach to ensure they stay in shape. These factors along with myRead MoreEssay On Aerobic Training1317 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom 35 to 45 years of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol was selected as a dependent variable in the study. The 45 selected middle-aged women were separated into three equal groups, the experimental group - 1 (n = 15) YPG was subjected to a yoga practices group, the experimental group - 2 (n = 15 ATG) aerobic training group and -3 (n = 15, CG) served as a control group. In the study, two different training approaches were used as independent variables, i.e. yogic practices (YPG) and aerobicRead MoreA Swot Analysis Of Lululemon s Market1692 Words  | 7 Pagesmarket through females, however have the opportunity to expand into men’s apparel to fuel their market revenue. Social trends effect the success of the Lululemon in an ever-changing society while environmental decisions affect their customer’s loyalty. The accessibility of gyms, the rising health awareness, and high obesity levels have triggered the growth of the fitness trend worldwide (Ibisworld, 2016). This allows Lululemon access to a growing market including both males and females. LululemonRead MoreFitness : Fitness And Fitness1510 Words  | 7 PagesFITNESS GURU Fitness Guru is a fitness service center that provides various activities all under one facility to help people with their fitness as well as a whole body wellness center. The 21st century has developed a lot of speculation on people’s minds, one among these speculative desires people have so far got themselves deeply engrossed into is the need to look and feel fit. Looking farther into fitness, it simply means a general state of health and well-being and more so the ability to perform
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Free Essays
1. In 1932, voters still had not seen any improvement, and wanted a new president. President Herbert Hoover was nominated again by the Republicans and he campaigned saying that his policies prevented the Great Depression from being worse than it was. We will write a custom essay sample on Franklin Delano Roosevelt or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Democrats nominated Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a tall, handsome man who was the fifth cousin of famous Theodore Roosevelt and had followed in his footsteps. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was suave and conciliatory and was stricken with polio in 1921. During this time, his wife, Eleanor, became his political partner and she influenced the policies of the national government. Roosevelt’s political appeal was great for he utilized his charm in private conversations and also relieved human suffering. He believed that money rather than humanity was expendable. Many Democrats speedily nominated Roosevelt. In the campaign of 1932, Franklin Roosevelt preached his New Deal to voters and Hoover lost votes. Roosevelt became president by an overwhelming defeat. 2. The early New Deal pursued the three R’s of relief recovery and reform by passing much legislation at this time. The first â€Å"R†called relief was accomplished by the passing of the Unemployment Relief Act which created the Civilian Conservation Corps, the passing of the Federal Emergency Relief Act which created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the passing of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and the Home Owner’s Refinancing Act. All these legislations were for immediate recovery and relief. The second â€Å"R†called recovery was accomplished in ways such as passing of the Emergency Banking Relief Act, the surrendering of gold and abandoning the gold standard. The last â€Å"R†called reform was pursued by the passing of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, the Federal Securities Act, the Beer and Wine Revenue Act, and the Glass- Steagall Banking Reform that created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 3. Unemployment in America increased and there needed remedial action quickly and the New Deal had a great effect on labor and labor organizations. The Civilian Conservation Corps was the most popular of the New Deal and this law provided employment for millions of men. Their work included reforestation fire fighting, flood control and swamp drainage. The actual first major effort of the new Congress to grapple with the unemployed adults was the Federal Emergency Relief Act which three billion dollars were granted to the states for direct dole payments or preferably for wages on work projects. Also, labor under the National Recovery Administration granted additional benefits. Workers were formally guaranteed the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. Also there were maximum hours of labor and minimum wages. 4. To help the farmers, which had been suffering ever since the end of World War I, Congress established the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, which paid farmers to reduce their crop acreage and would eliminate price-depressing surpluses. However, it got off to a rocky start when it killed lots of pigs for not good reason, and paying farmers not to farm actually increased unemployment. The Supreme Court killed it in 1936. The New Deal Congress hastened to pass the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act of 1936, which paid farmers to plant soil-conserving plants like soybeans or to let their land lie fallow. The Second Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 was a more comprehensive substitute that continued conservation payments but was accepted by the Supreme Court. 5. Franklin Roosevelt controlled Congress, but the Supreme Court kept on blocking his programs, so he proposed a shocking plan that would add a member to the Supreme Court for every existing member over the age of 70, for a maximum possible total of 15 total members. For once, Congress voted against him because it did not want to lose its power. Roosevelt was ripped for trying to be a dictator. FDR’s â€Å"court-packing scheme†failed, but he did get some of the justices to start to vote his way. However, his failure of the court-packing scheme also showed how Americans still did not wish to tamper with the sacred justice system. 6. The New Deal Coalition is a political coalition, which was created by Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s. It included Democratic Party organizations, big city machines, labor unions, minorities (racial, ethnic and religious, especially Blacks, Catholics and Jews), liberal farm groups, intellectuals, the Mountain West, and the white South. It was opposed by the Conservative Coalition of northern Republicans and southern Democrats. The New Deal Coalition dominated presidential elections in 1932 and lost control of Congress in 1937. The coalition fell apart after 1966 but it remains the model that Democratic Party activists seek to replicate. The coalition brought together liberal interest groups and voting blocks that supported the New Deal and voted for Democratic presidential candidates from 1932 until approximately 1966, which made the Democratic Party the majority party during the Fifth Party System. 7. There were many changes of the New Deal such as the â€Å"AAA†and NRA were replaced by other legislations because these legislations were unconstitutional. These legislations were replaced by the second Agricultural Adjustment Act and the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. A Second New Deal in 1934-36 included the Wagner Act to promote labor unions, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) relief program, the Social Security Act, and new programs to aid tenant farmers and migrant workers. The final major items of New Deal legislation were the creation of the United States Housing Authority and Farm Security Administration, both in 1937, then the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which set maximum hours and minimum wages for most categories of workers. No other twentieth century president enjoyed the levels of popular admiration that Franklin D. Roosevelt did during his twelve years in office but the policies of his administration inevitably aroused opposition. The evolution of Roosevelt’s New Deal cannot be understood apart from the opposition that it aroused. In some cases Roosevelt skillfully borrowed ideas from his opponents and co-opted their followers. Some land mark legislation of the New Deal was the product of just such tactics. But eventually a coalition of conservative opponents emerged and systematically curtailed the most ambitious plans of the New Deal. By early 1935, the New Deal legislation of the previous two years had aroused growing voices of criticism on the left and right of the political spectrum, and by several important Supreme Court rulings. Persisting severe economic difficulties fueled the rise of powerful political leaders who offered immediate solutions to the nation’s economic problems. 8. Foes of the New Deal condemned its alleged waste, incompetence, confusion, contradictions and cross-purposes. Critics deplored the employment â€Å"crackpot†professors, leftist â€Å"pinkos†and out right Communists. Business people accused Roosevelt of confusing noise and movement with progress. Bureaucratic meddling and regimentation were also bitter complaints of the anti-New Dealers. Promises of budget balancing to say nothing of other promises had flown out the window and national debt skyrocketed. Critics accused the New Deal of fomenting class strife. New Dealers defended their record. They admitted that there was waste but they pointed out that relief had been the primary object of their multifront war on the depression. They also argued that it had been trivial in view of the immense sums spent and the obvious need for haste. They also declared that the New Deal had relieved the worst of the crisis in 1933. It promoted the philosophy of balancing the human budget. The collapse of America’s economy system was averted, a fairer distribution of the national income was achieved and the citizens were enabled to regain and retain their self respect. How to cite Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Lehman Brothers Ethical Reasoning Essay Example
Lehman Brothers Ethical Reasoning Essay Describe the situation at Lehman Brothers from an ethics perspective. What’s your opinion of what happened there? The ethical issue here was that Lehman’s executives exploited loopholes in the accounting standards to manipulate their balance sheet in order to mislead the investing public. Using â€Å"Repo 105†, Lehman was able to clear huge amount unprofitable assets off its balance sheet instead of selling at loss. Evidence pointed out that the chief executive, Richard Ruld, knew about the use of it but faked ignorance in defence. Even the auditors from Ernst and Young knew about the use of the suspicious Repo 105 but chose to keep quiet. I believe that the prime motivation behind the act was to retain investors’ confidence by preventing a plummet in stock price. Hence, the implication was that Lehman was projecting a false image of its strong financial position, meaning that its stock price was overvalued. Through falsified accounting reports, investors were tricked into believing that their investments were safe, incurring huge losses when Lehman defaulted. Investors lost faith. The consequences were devastating as it created a systemic crisis of confidence in the banking industry as all other banks froze lending to reduce their exposure of Lehman’s undesirable Repo 105. Lehman’s employees suffered too as they lost their jobs overnight. Could anything be done differently at Lehman Brothers to prevent what happened? Explain. After extensive research, it was apparent that a written â€Å"Code of Ethics†was present at Lehman Brothers. However, for an ethics code to be effective, the tone at the top executives needs to be set right so that the entire organisation can feel connected to the firm’s ethical values and beliefs. We will write a custom essay sample on Lehman Brothers Ethical Reasoning specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lehman Brothers Ethical Reasoning specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lehman Brothers Ethical Reasoning specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The obvious failure we witness in Lehman’s case was that the top management, led by Ruld (CEO) and Erin Callan (CFO), were guilty of unethical negligence and wrongdoing. Therefore, it is vital for the Shareholders to screen through their selection of the Board of Directors extremely stringently to ensure the appointment of the right leaders. As the top management was already corrupted, the Ethics Programs at Lehman had limited use in ensuring the upholding of the Ethics Code, as these top executives can wield their axe down on any whistleblowers that puts their power in jeopardy. This was the exactly what happened at Lehman, when whistleblower Matthew Lee, was axed. Therefore, Lehman needs to ensure that ethical leaders are at helm for this control mechanism to work, so that the Ethics Code can be reinforced through compliance-based ethics programmes to serve as deterrence. Simultaneously, integrity-based ethics programmes must come into play to instill and influence an individual responsibility for upholding ethical behaviour, with compliance continuously playing the role of monitoring, to prevent any future reoccurrences. On top of this, Lehman could have adopted the Moral Rights Approach to base their decision on whether their behaviour was ethical or unethical. Using this approach, they would not have committed fraudulent accounting, as it violates the fundamental rights that investors deserve from the use of their accounting report – which is to provide a faithful and accurate representation of the company for investors to evaluate investing decisions. Another preventive approach is the Fairness or Justice Approach to assist Lehman in weighing their ethical decision. The top executives’ decisions impact many groups of stakeholders, and the fraudulent acts only brought about harm to all stakeholders involved, as could be seen from the negative repercussions of the bank’s default – shareholders losing money, employees losing jobs, other banks’ losses due to lending to Lehman, public’s loss of confidence and stock markets crashing. If they did go about reporting their losses honestly, perhaps their stock price and profitability will fall, but at least the negative impacts would be localised within the firm, instead of triggering a banking shockwave. After all the public uproar over Enron and then the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to protect shareholders, why do you think we still continue to see these types of situation? Is it unreasonable to expect that businesses can and should act ethically? Analysing from the concept of Organisational Code of Ethics, it can be easily deduced that ethical failures from organisations usually stems from the individual ethics component. Unlike societal ethics and professional ethics which are based on established social norm and a certain set of standards, individual ethics is the only component that is not conformed to a certain enchmark. Every individual’s ethics differ from one another as it is shaped from the influence of their upbringing. While honesty can be one’s core value, it can also be the most neglected value of another. As seen from the case studies of Lehman and WorldCom, personal interest and greed of the top executives to remain in power motivated them to trampl e on ethics, resulting in their obstructionist approach. Managers must first understand that ethical decision making is dynamic and every element must be carefully weighed to prevent unethical issues. In applying the five ethical notions, it can be argued in Lehman’s case that manipulation brings about apparent utilitarianism for everyone (higher stock price for shareholders, more bonuses for employees, stronger creditors’ faith and higher management’s bonuses) in the short run. However, it is not justified for the stakeholders to be denied their fundamental rights of having accurate information of the bank, nor is it fair and justifiable that it brings about harm for all stakeholders in the long run when it went bust. It is very reasonable to expect businesses to act ethically. This could possibly be achieved through a two pronged approach. The first, which aims to resolve unethical issues in the long run, requires the need for a stronger emphasis on education. Simple as it may sound, but the lack of ethical education is extremely glaring. In this profit driven world, where money speaks louder than anything else, there seems to be a shift towards higher reward and recognition for profits rather than ethical behaviour. Education serves as the most effective and fundamental way to resolve and prevent unethical issues altogether as it tackles the root of the problem to instill the right mindset. The second, perhaps shorter term measure, deals with governance. To prevent the evil temptation of dishonesty, there needs to be much harsher consequences and deterrence, such that temptation will vanish upon thought of the possible sentences that potential manipulators will face. Currently, the punishments of fines and jail terms are simply not severe enough to deter off such seduction of greed. With a softer but more effective measure through education to correct mentalities in the long run, and a harsher deterrence factor in the short term, ethical behaviour can be definitely be achieved.
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